The Key Differences between the Freight Industry and 3PL

If you have decided to go for a 3PL service provider to ship your goods, then you must have realized that there are some differences between freight carriers and 3PLs that can affect your business especially when you don’t act to minimize the impacts that such differences can have on your business.

If you have ever been in the transport industry, then you know that freight carriers hardly appreciate most 3PL service providers. Carriers are often more strict when scrutinizing 3PL freights than other types of freights.

3PL logistics sydney


If you have experience in these industries, you must have witnessed such occurrences. Although it might sound somewhat weird, this is indeed factual and it is something that should no longer be taken for granted.

If you have been in this industry for some time, then you are aware that this fact is no longer a secret but something in the public domain. 3PLs have now become a crucial part of the transport industry such that most big businesses are now relying on 3PLs.

This has made some carriers view 3PLs as competitors rather than potential customers. However, carries should know that the usefulness and business model of 3PLs is something they cannot beat in the freight market.

However, not all freight companies demonstrate such negative attitude towards 3PLs. You can surely come across some carriers that show respect towards 3PLs. For instance, some carriers are now partnering with 3PLs and they have come up with a similar business model to that of 3PLs.


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When searching for a 3PL company, you should always ensure that you consider some crucial factors. For instance, ensure you go for a company that has respect and good reputation in the freight market. Also consider a company that takes shipping seriously by keeping all aspects of shipping in mind.

For instance, the weight description of a product has to be accurate. Always communicate with your 3PL company about such crucial details. Keep them organized and informed to ensure that a freight company will not raise issues with your 3PL provider.

A reliable 3PL company should be professional in what they do and you do not have to keep reminding them about all the details, but it’s worth communicating with them about crucial details.



Most carries offer attractive rates to 3PLs. However, this is often balanced with their strict scrutiny. They offer attractive rates so as to attract more deals from 3PLs. You should always go for the best sales representative to communicate with your 3PL.

Having an intelligent and well informed sales person, and with whom you maintain a good business relationship, will assist you great deal. Such a sales person can offer you crucial information which you would otherwise lack.

Although most freight providers make it hard for 3PLs, it is evident that they are dependent on each other. They have to work with each other to succeed in the industry since their mutual cooperation is what brings them more business.